Grateful Hearts
Grateful Hearts orders are closed
Do you want to say THANK YOU to your child’s teacher, bus driver, coach, paraprofessional, secretary, or any Unit 40 staff member who has a positive impact on your child’s day but don’t know what to give or have the time to shop?
The Grateful Hearts Donation provides a way to give DOUBLE THANKS to any staff member in Unit 40 schools! With a Grateful Hearts Donation you can say “Thank you” to your chosen staff member AND make a donation to the Unit 40 Education Foundation in his or her name at the same time. That donation will fund teacher grants for classroom materials and equipment and scholarships for EHS graduating seniors.
On May 9th, the Unit 40 staff member will receive a gift card to Homewood Grill and your personal note in the gift pictured above.
These individuals were honored in 2019 with a Grateful Hearts donation:
Troy, Bus Garage
Todd Stewart, Bus Garage
Kristen Harvey, Bus Garage
Vicki S., Bus Garage
Mrs. Bowman, Central
Mrs. Boswell, Central
Rene Green, Central
Mrs. Pals, Central
Marissa Ruffner, Central
Ms. Diener, Central
Mrs. Jennings, Central
Andrea Kinder, Central
Mary Dust, Central
Melissa Donaldson, Central
Mrs. Habing, EHS
Mrs. Ault, EHS
Michelle Morrissey, EHS
Heather Hartman, EHS
Michelle Hinterscher, EHS
Mrs. Ault, EHS
Mrs. Bauer, EHS
Josh Robison, EHS
Ryan Wohltman, EJHS
Mrs. Phillips, ELC
Mrs. Moeller, ELC
Mrs. Stevenson, ELC
Marcy Zerrusen, ELC
Mrs. Claar, ELC
Mrs. Nelson, ELC
Mrs. Fatheree, South Side
Mrs. Wolke, South Side
Abra Woomer, South Side
Danielle Peyton, South Side
Jill Carpenter, South Side